Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Some updates -- I've been busy lately, starting college and whatnot of course.

Went on a trail ride Saturday. Our friend took us on a longer ride than I'd like; it was about an hour and a half, but there were some pretty big hills and Pandora's just not in that kind of shape. She was completely willing, though, and never seemed tired or sore. A little touchy riding over gravel. She was perfectly comfortable with hills, trotting up and walking down. Fine with pretty rough terrain. Fine on the road. A little freaked out by a nearby donkey when he came running up to the fenceline braying! There was no naughty behavior though, just a very tense horse with body language screaming Get Me Out Of Here. I just asked her to walk away onto the road and she did so -- she seems to get more nervous when forced to stand still, but when provided with an outlet (walking forward) she relaxes instantly. Good pony.

She wasn't sore or anything the next day, so no harm done I suppose. Still cheerful as ever to come in and get her Ultium.

Farrier came out today and gave her a much-needed trim. I'll take pictures tomorrow. She was a dream for him, stood very nicely still, patient on the hoof stand, very polite (except for drooling a little on his back when he trimmed her fronts!). Walked off sound and straight, and appears to have more of a heel-first landing now that she's been trimmed. Her feet look good.

Her mane is being unruly again, drat it. I'll need to do more pulling on the floppiest section and then I may have to braid that piece down again. Ah well.

Haven't ridden her since Saturday. Will probably ride tomorrow.

I like working with this horse. She's always looking for the right answer. I think as we progress further in my riding with her, the experience will offer a very interesting dialogue between us. Her personality truly invites thoughtful, subtle interaction.

Our vet is coming out on the 15th to give her a general checkup and float her teeth if necessary. She dribbles some grain when she eats, but I'm not sure if she needs floating or is just a little sloppy. Previous owner said she was floated recently, so we'll see.

Off to do the calculus homework.


ORSunshine said...

Glad everyone is doing well.

We found the right equine family member for us over the weekend. I'll eventually be blogging about him as I learn more.

Hey Many, remember to go out and enjoy this last bit of sunshine we have when you finally take a break from the books. Pretty soon it'll be gone!

manymisadventures said...

Good! I'm glad you found a horse that clicks with you.

Ugh, I know, it's raining outside as I type. I do get a taste of the sunshine when I walk between classes! Unfortunately, by the time we get out to the barn we only have an hour or so of true daylight left. Sigh, the days are getting shorter.